The Rest of the Story...
So how did this all come about you ask...
Back in July of 2017 we purchased our 2018 T@g Outback XL, which we have dubbed the Bl@nket Fort! We bought our camper from a dealer in Salt Lake City Utah and the first night we stayed in a wonderful state park that unfortunately had a fire ban in effect. When we attempted to use the propane stove, the winds were so bad the flame would not stay lit. After many different failed attempts at creating a wind block, including burnt forearms, I stewed over what a solution could be. Voilà!...the "Galley Wing Walls" were invented. After several different design modifications and tweaks, the first set of the wind panels I made we used for a year and a half until we gifted them on a camping trip to another worthy, frustrated T@g owner.
In July of 2018 at the üCamp rally, many other happy campers were interested in owning their own set of Galley Wing Walls. After returning home from our various summer excursions, I reached out to the T@g and T@b Facebook groups to see if indeed folks were still interested. Fast forward to April of 2019: taught myself how to sew; setup an Etsy shop; began producing Wing Walls out of our home; May found me finding production space to work out of; and now...a website!
It brings me so much joy to know that you are all as excited about owning your own set of Wing Walls as I am in making them for you! Thank you for your continued support.
Happy Camping,
ps: Coddiwomple is serving as my personal mission statement!